[Open-access] Inviting suggestions for "getting started with Open Science" for a session in Open Access Week

JJ Merelo jjmerelo at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 18:54:21 UTC 2014


2014-09-22 20:51 GMT+02:00 Stacy Konkiel <stacy at impactstory.org>:

> Good point, JJ. Want to clear up a misunderstanding quickly, and am happy
> to take other questions off-list.
> Impactstory is subscription-based and aimed at scientists, but we do offer
> fee waivers, no questions asked. It's important to us that ability to pay
> be no obstacle for researchers who can't afford it.
I'd go for that, if possible.

> Individuals can use the Altmetric.com bookmarklet to track articles'
> impacts for free; no restrictions there.

OK, thanks.

> And PlumX is subscription based and focused on serving institutions--if
> your institution subscribes, I'd recommend checking it out, as it'd be of
> no additional cost to you as a researcher.
> I'd check, but AFAIK, our university does not; my ability to recommend
this kind of things is limited, anyhow.


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