[Open-access] New wiki for academic research summaries -- help contribute to open access!

Brevy Org brevyorg at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 13:25:19 UTC 2016

Hello everyone!

I'm glad to have found this mailing list of the like-minded. Myself (Josh)
and a small ragtag team are attempting another means of supporting open
access endeavors and we need your help! We've recently launched:


which is a guided-interface wiki to collect summaries (and to some extent,
discussion and critiques) of academic literature. Brevy handles a lot of
things for you automatically, so it's easy to add a quick summary without
any web/coding knowledge.

To get this going, we really could use the help of the open access
community to start populating the wiki with a pool of summaries. Here's a
couple a couple of ways to help:
* Add a summary of the most significant research in your field!
* Assign making a summary as part of any courses you might teach (great way
to introduce students to real research)
* Pass this along to those who might be interested!
* Share it on social media

Thanks, and let me know if there's any questions :)
-Josh over at Brevy
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