[open-archaeology] Google Summer of Code

Colleen Morgan clmorgan at berkeley.edu
Mon Mar 29 17:57:44 UTC 2010

this is just to let you know that yesterday I had a chance to follow
part of the EVPSI kickstart meeting in Torino.

I met some nice people there, and I'd like to mention Prodromos Tsiavos
who is an OKF Executive Group member and is also involved in Open Access
initiatives in Greece - including cultural heritage information. I will
invite him to join our working group.

I had a very positive feeling about this meeting, see some notes at

There are some upcoming initiatives for Cultural PSI in Europe, and the
involvement of a well-informed group of specialists like this working
group could make a difference. Let's start with "easy" tasks like
http://wiki.okfn.org/wg/archaeology/nationalstandards - I thought some
days ago that it would be much better if this survey could be summarised
as a table (countries in rows, questions in columns).


Stefano Costa

Coordinator, Working Group on Open Data in Archaeology
The Open Knowledge Foundation
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