[open-archaeology] Methodology Stores

Stefano Costa stefano.costa at okfn.org
Sat Sep 18 14:47:23 UTC 2010

Il giorno sab, 18/09/2010 alle 13.08 +0100, Anthony Beck ha scritto:
> Well spotted. As much as I want all mehods to be open immediately, a
> number of people at AARG saw this as a barrier to engagement as they
> want first option to exploit developments (or some other similar
> reason). Hence, I want to strike a balance, initialy in the
> short-term, between being open and getting people involved. As soon as
> the resource is used and embedded in work and development practice
> then I hope that this wont be an issue.

The OKF form for proposing new projects helps clarifying this aspect
http://okfn.org/projects/propose/ (esp. the criteria at bottom).

Honestly, I can't see why big players should feel at danger in sharing
their methodologies, especially with regards to aerial archaeology /
remote sensing where the barrier to entrance is first and foremost money
rather than knowledge alone.

We could further discuss this idea next week in a post-summer conference
call. Who is available on 23rd around 1700 BST / 1800 CEST ?


Stefano Costa <stefano.costa at okfn.org>

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