[open-archaeology] AIA and open access

John D. Muccigrosso jmuccigr at drew.edu
Fri Apr 27 13:02:19 UTC 2012

On 27 Apr 2012, at 8:53 , Benjamin Ducke wrote:

> Open Access is a development that cannot
> be blocked by single people or groups and
> their actions. It is the unavoidable outcome
> of more direct communication, facilitated by
> the Internet, that by and by will eliminate
> the need for middlemen and their services,
> such as publishing houses.

Have to disagree strongly here.

What if the US govt passed a law that said that all results of research paid for with US Govt funds much be published through private publishing houses after peer review, and must appear in a print form, and further that any academic libraries receiving govt aid must subscribe to and archive a certain number of these printed journals?

That is far from implausible as, for example, the govt currently has some interesting regulations on how academic jobs much be advertised if a non-citizen is to get a green card as a result.

When institutions like the AIA take stands, it matters, and that's a good thing.

John D. Muccigrosso

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