[open-archaeology] SAA Open Science Interest Group

Ben Marwick bmarwick at uw.edu
Wed Apr 15 17:13:26 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

A bunch of us are proposing an 'Open Science Interest Group' for the 
Society of American Archaeology (whose meetings are happening right 
now). Here's the proposal in detail: http://bit.ly/saaopensci

And here's the petition for which we need 25 member signatures to 
present to the SAA Executive Committee: 
http://bit.ly/saaopensci-petition. If you're a current SAA member, 
please add your name to the petition.

Here's a few things we're doing at the meeting:

* A session of papers on "Open Methods in Archaeology: How to Encourage 
Reproducible Research as the Default Practice"
* A presentation on open methods in the 'Digital Data Interest Group' 
business meeting
* A lightning talk in the 'Digital Archaeology Projects' meeting to 
introduce the Open Science Interest Group in the DDIG 



Ben Marwick, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology
Denny Hall M32, Box 353100, University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-3100 USA

t. (+1) 206.552.9450   e. bmarwick at uw.edu
w. http://faculty.washington.edu/bmarwick/

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