[open-bibliography] comprehensive bibliographic database of "open" resources?

John Wilkin jpwilkin at umich.edu
Mon Aug 16 19:05:24 UTC 2010

The way that OAIster misses is pretty much a characteristic of its design.  FWIW, I was the PI in the original proposal/award.  What we sought to do was capture academically-oriented resources that were identified through OAI feeds.  At the time we thought of OAI as the mechanism that would help compensate for the failure of the big search engines to pick up our resources (i.e., our stuff wasn't in the open web).  Consequently, a real measure of success would have been that the things that made their way into OAIster were *not* in the open web.  As it turned out, we got both things that were in the open web and things that were not, and we got things that were openly accessible and things that were restricted.  It didn't set out to be an index to "open" resources and so its failure is, I hope, forgivable ;)

On Aug 16, 2010, at 2:03 PM, Ross Singer wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Christopher Gutteridge <cjg at ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
> oaister will give you quite a few. As will our ROAR,
> http://roar.eprints.org/
> Going back to the original question, OAIster doesn't contain all "open" data.  Lots of records in OAIster (as well as what could be harvested via ROAR and OpenDOAR) are not for freely available resources.  It's also impossible to figure out what is free/not-free from the results.
> That's not to say that any of these aren't good starting points, esp. if some degree of error is okay, but they can be very frustrating to rely on if you're expecting the content to be open access.
> -Ross. 
> On 16/08/10 16:40, John Wilkin wrote:
> No, but it's my fault:  too terse.  CKAN is a registry of data (including metadata) sources, but I'm wondering about the metadata themselves.  That is, is there a searchable bibliographic database of these materials such that a faculty member could locate, say, free-free articles on adhesion in polymer blends?
> On Aug 16, 2010, at 11:33 AM, Jonathan Gray wrote:
> If I'm understanding you correctly, this is *exactly* what CKAN is for:
>  http://ckan.net/
>  http://ckan.net/group/bibliographic
> CKAN is an open source registry of open data/open content 'packages'
> (as in software packages). Medium to long term idea is something like
> apt-get for open data, with support for automating lots of stuff.
> Focus is on material that is open as in opendefinition.org (of which
> PD material and *some* CC licensed content is a subset).
> Does that help? Would love to have any feedback on how we can improve
> CKAN for bibliographic material.
> All the best,
> Jonathan
> On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 4:52 PM, John Wilkin<jpwilkin at umich.edu>  wrote:
> All,
> Of course I can think of a bucket-load of reasons why this would be impossibly hard to assemble and maintain, but I'm still curious:  has any organization tried to create a database of essentially "open" bibliographic resources?  In this case, I'm interested in something broad enough to include CC, PD, etc.--i.e., resources that can be used (at least in scholarship and teaching) without fees paid to the maintainer of the resource?
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