[open-bibliography] comprehensive bibliographic database of "open" resources?

Christopher Gutteridge cjg at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Mon Aug 16 16:08:41 UTC 2010

I find CKAN pretty impenetrable. I have no idea what I am expected to do 
to contribute to that page or how to put it to use.

On 16/08/10 16:33, Jonathan Gray wrote:
> If I'm understanding you correctly, this is *exactly* what CKAN is for:
>    http://ckan.net/
>    http://ckan.net/group/bibliographic
> CKAN is an open source registry of open data/open content 'packages'
> (as in software packages). Medium to long term idea is something like
> apt-get for open data, with support for automating lots of stuff.
> Focus is on material that is open as in opendefinition.org (of which
> PD material and *some* CC licensed content is a subset).
> Does that help? Would love to have any feedback on how we can improve
> CKAN for bibliographic material.
> All the best,
> Jonathan
> On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 4:52 PM, John Wilkin<jpwilkin at umich.edu>  wrote:
>> All,
>> Of course I can think of a bucket-load of reasons why this would be impossibly hard to assemble and maintain, but I'm still curious:  has any organization tried to create a database of essentially "open" bibliographic resources?  In this case, I'm interested in something broad enough to include CC, PD, etc.--i.e., resources that can be used (at least in scholarship and teaching) without fees paid to the maintainer of the resource?
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Christopher Gutteridge -- http://id.ecs.soton.ac.uk/person/1248

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