[open-bibliography] URNs for National Bib Numbers
Ben O'Steen
bosteen at gmail.com
Wed Dec 8 20:28:46 UTC 2010
Ross Singer just put this onto twitter a second ago and I think that
this might be an acceptable way to generate URNs for the bibliographic
data, specifically for the BNB data in my mind.
Eg as far as my understanding of the rfc goes,
http://bnb.bibliographica.org/entry/GBA267005 would have a URN of:
(using British Library id, originally "(Uk)008809279" and published year
of 2001)
URNs don't resolve so how we incorporate them or even if we incorporate
them is up for discussion :)
Including a triple of <http://bnb.bibliographica.org/entry/GBA267005>
<owl:sameAs> <urn:nbn:gb-uk2001008809279> might be a way perhaps,
replacing my ahem magicked open vocab term of 'blid' for the British
Library ID.
As to the end use, I'm not sure but this seems like it might sensible
and would trade one triple for another.
The con side to this is that it pushes a lot of meaning into the URI
format, the structure of which tells you about the source, year, and so
on without typing the property as being a british library id.
Any Ideas?
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