[open-bibliography] Fwd: [okfn-discuss] University of Ghent LibraryCatalogues: Open or Not?
Rufus Pollock
rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Mar 26 09:51:46 UTC 2010
On 25 March 2010 21:41, David Shotton <david.shotton at zoo.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
> Dear Christopher,
> There has been considerable discussion, I understand, between OKF and CC
> about data licenses, which may be still ongoing. CC is now recommending
> their "CCZero" license for datasets, since this avoids the potential problem
> of managing the "attribution stacking" that would result from automatic
> data aggregation from several sources using conventional attribution
> licenses of any kind. You are advised to take these arguments into
> consideration before deciding what to do for EPrints.
I must say here that here at the OKF we really don't think that
attribution-stacking is an issue.
We are also consider attribution-sharealike type licenses as "open" --
and Open Data Commons, which is an OKF supported project, produces
such licenses. There is a ongoing, lengthy and friendly disagreement
on this score between John Wilbanks and us on this matter (I can point
people to more background on this if they want it :) )
> For FlyTED (http://www.fly disagreement on this sc had long disagreements-ted.org), which as you know uses the EPrints
> software platform, we have, after discussions with John Wilbanks, adopted
> CCZero licenses for metadata and thumbnails, and normal CC attribution
> licences for high resolution images.
We think public domain licenses whether the PDDL or the CCZero to be
great too :)
> Dryad (http://datadryad.org/repo), which is a repository for datasets linked
> to journal articles, has also adopted CCZero licenses.
That's great to hear.
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