[open-bibliography] 'Art Meets Astrophysics': Galaxy Zoo and Citizen Science - does this extend to Bibliography?

Thomas Krichel krichel at openlib.org
Sat Oct 2 11:20:45 UTC 2010

  Jim Pitman writes

> Another way to start would be to demonstrate the crowdsourced
> cataloging on currently open data, e.g. what can be gained via
> OAI-PMH. Possibly BASE http://base.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/en/index.php
> could play a role in this.  Which makes me wonder, is the BASE
> metadata collection available in bulk?

  No.  I have a part of the data in 3lib. That part is updated by
  them. But I have not updated in the recent past because of technical
  issues on my side, for which I apologize. I hope to be getting to
  fix this soon, it is second on my agenda list. I hope to be
  able, as a result of changes to publish an catalog per
  data series of what I have. 


  Thomas Krichel                    http://openlib.org/home/krichel
                                               skype: thomaskrichel

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