[open-bibliography] Bibliography to X tool

Thomas Krichel krichel at openlib.org
Sun Oct 3 13:44:12 UTC 2010

  Peter Murray-Rust writes

> Can we assert that these records carry an Open licence without
> restrictions?
  No, but you can ask the institutions that have provided them.
  I can help with contacts. But I don't want to do the negociations
  as I consider them a waste of effort. Once you have a service that
  is used people will be happy to give you their data for free without 
  licensing worries. That is what the experience from RePEc shows.
  As you can imagine, economists are the hardest people to get
  something for free from. 

  BTW the RePEc data is also freely available. I have not 
  copied it to 3lib because I don't think I have enough
  disk space there. 


  Thomas Krichel                    http://openlib.org/home/krichel
                                               skype: thomaskrichel

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