[open-bibliography] Bibliography to X tool

Thomas Krichel krichel at openlib.org
Mon Oct 11 08:17:41 UTC 2010

  Peter Murray-Rust writes

> >
> >  BTW the RePEc data is also freely available.
> Free == OKD-compliant?

  As far as I am concerned yes. There are two issues one
  should be aware of. 

  First RePEc is an aggregate of over 1200 repositories that put data
  into RePEc. None of have formally agreed to a permissions statement
  for the data. Drafting one may be difficult, adoption one surely
  would be.

  Second, an old permissions statement (I forgot where it originated
  from) prohibits the inclusion of RePEc data into products for
  sale. But actually, RePEc is included in at least one product for
  sale. And further, the statement is not likely to be worth the disk
  space it is written on since there is no legal personality or
  organization of RePEc and so nobody can really prohibit or allow
  things for that and other matters. I have tried to conceive a
  governance for RePEc. This has been in place since the beginning for
  the month, see http://governance.repec.org. I want the newly created
  board to look at the IP issues of RePEc. I expect that to happen
  soon. I hope to be able to achieve that RePEc makes no claim on
  aggregate RePEc contents. But I can't promise I can get something
  like this through the board. And the highly sophisticated nature of
  RePEc data complicates matters.

  I am the principal creator of RePEc. But I built it in such a
  non-proprietary way that I can't really influence it. And it is old
  and big so things are not changing fast.


  Thomas Krichel                    http://openlib.org/home/krichel
                                               skype: thomaskrichel

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