[open-bibliography] suggesting regular meetings

Dr. Micah Altman Micah_Altman at harvard.edu
Tue Aug 16 11:25:49 UTC 2011

Hi Mark,

So far, I've participated only in a few of the meetings ... and those
at the kick-off. If the meeting schedule happens to be when I'm
available and on a topic of
special interest I'll join in future. But in any case, it has been
useful to be able to look at meeting notes/minutes etc to track
developments, so I'm hoping that will continue.



On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 8:05 AM, Mark MacGillivray
<mark.macgillivray at okfn.org> wrote:
> Hello open biblio people,
> I would like to suggest some more regular meetings for the working
> group. Perhaps every two weeks. These could be open to anyone wishing
> to join in.
> Adrian already usually organises meetings on the first Tuesday of
> every month - would it be worth having another meeting that week over
> and above that? Or should we just add another say in the middle of
> each month? What would people prefer?
> Perhaps a meeting this week to discuss would be useful for those
> interested? If so I propose we talk on Wednesday 17th August at 1600
> UK time (currently GMT + 1).
> Please let us know if what you think of this idea, and let me know if
> you want to attend on Wednesday, and I will initiate a call then.
> Mark MacGillivray
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Micah Altman, Ph.D.     Senior Research Scientist, Institute for
Quantitative Social Science
                        Archival Director, Henry A. Murray Research Archive
Contact info, etc.:     http://maltman.hmdc.harvard.edu/
   * Disclaimer: This is an unofficial, unsigned, document.  (Copyright 2011) *
"Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate" - Dr. Invincibilis
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