[open-bibliography] Minutes for the 8th meeting

Adrian Pohl adrian.pohl at okfn.org
Wed Feb 2 14:11:53 UTC 2011


I just published the minutes for the yesterday meeting at

There are two points I'd like to highlight here:

- There is an OKFN service "Is it open data?"
(http://isitopendata.org/) which can be used to ask providers of
(bibliographic) data sets whether their data is open. Members of the
working group and of this list are encouraged to make use of this tool
to get more information about the copyright status of bibliographic
- We aim at getting more organisations to endorse the openbiblio
principles. So, if you know of such organisations please contact them
yourselves or let the list know about them. Karen will provide a call
for endorsement to use for organisations, indivudals, mailing lists


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