[open-bibliography] (Final?) discussion of the openbiblio principles

Adrian Pohl adrian.pohl at okfn.org
Sat Jan 8 12:13:01 UTC 2011

Hello Jim,

thanks for your valuable input. I incorporated both your proposals
into the document. In principle 3 it now reads: "These licenses make
it impossible to effectively integrate and re-purpose datasets. They
furthermore prevent commercial services which add value to
bibliographic data or commercial activities which could be used to
support data preservation."

I hope everybody is OK with this. Anyway, it's still time for more
changes. e.g. to change the "strongly recommend" part...

As attachment a PDF version of the current principles draft which
Peter might use for the symposium. Fortunately it fits on two pages!
(Karen, as I made some more changes I created a new pdf.)


2011/1/7 Jim Pitman <pitman at stat.berkeley.edu>:
> Adrian Pohl <adrian.pohl at okfn.org> wrote:
>> I've already made some more changes on the google doc
>> and added comments to the document to initiate further discussion, see
>> http://bit.ly/gIfB11
> Overall, it looks very good to me now. Especially, staying away from the copyrighable/non_copyrightable
> issue seems very effective.
> I added a few suggestions like this  [ suggestion JP].
> Adrian, please incorporate as if see fit. Or others could add their approval or disapproval
> inside the [...]. I'm not sure what the protocol is for making changes.
> --Jim
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