[open-bibliography] Linked Open BNB preview now available

Deliot, Corine Corine.Deliot at bl.uk
Thu Jul 21 09:40:34 UTC 2011

Hi William,

Many thanks for your kind words and suggestions. Some comments:

1. On having pointers back from docs for the authors to their books
We've been discussing materialising more inverse relationships; this is on our list of things to do. It may not happen immediately, but we do intend to update the BNB dataset, both in terms of its currency but also in terms of adding features to the RDF.

2. Adding metadata on the doc URIs about metadata 
e.g who created, published the RDF, when, license information, etc. Again this is on our list of things to do.

Could you please expand on the usefulness of including the timestamp from the 005? 

First because by doing so, you're bringing back the MARC bibliographic record into the data model. We had long discussions about that and in the end, decided not to model the MARC bib record. The only point in doing that would have been to be able to attach metadata about that MARC record, and we understood that this was of limited interest to the Linked Data community. Your suggestion seems to suggest otherwise. 

Secondly, the date contained in the 005 is the date of last transaction of the record. It could just be correcting some admin data, which we don't include in the RDF output in any case. You just don't know which bit of the record has been updated. So I don't think the 005 can tell you much reliably about the "age of the record".

3. the VoID description is in draft form, we just didn't publish it with the preview subset.



-----Original Message-----
From: public-lld-request at w3.org [mailto:public-lld-request at w3.org] On Behalf Of William Waites
Sent: 14 July 2011 16:29
To: List for Working Group on Open Bibliographic Data
Cc: public-lld at w3.org
Subject: Re: [open-bibliography] Linked Open BNB preview now available

Hello Corine, hope you are enjoying your well deserved vacation!  This
is brilliant work, very much better than the previous RDF version,
URIs everywhere, beautiful!

A couple of tiny suggestions, first would be on the documents for the
authors, to have pointers back to their books, this will help with
follow-your-nose navigation. 

The second, very minor, would be to stuff
the timestamp from the MARC 005 somewhere so the age of the record can
be judged, and similarly for the creation of the RDF.

I would tend to model this last as something like,

<http://bnb.data.bl.uk/doc/resource/014938424> opmv:wasGeneratedBy [
    a opmv:Process;
    opmv:used [ ## maybe give this its own URI, but don't block on that
        a bibliographic:MarcRecord;
        dct:modified "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ" ## from 005
    opmv:wasPerformedAt [ 
        a time:Instant;
        time:inXSDDateTime "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ"

This also gives you a place to put any other information that may be
useful or interesting about the process for generating the RDF, such
as software used, person responsible for doing it, etc.. (notice it 
is on the /doc/ not the /id/). There are other ways to represent this
kind of information, the above is just my preference.

Icing on the cake would be to make a void:Dataset description for the
whole thing, containing information such as is on the information page
and then (possibly) link to that from the records and people tying it
all together into a neat package.

But on the whole very well done!


* [2011-07-14 10:31:12 +0100] Deliot, Corine <Corine.Deliot at bl.uk> écrit:

> Dear all, 
> As some of you are aware, the British Library is developing a Linked
> Open Data version of the BNB. We've uploaded a subset of the BNB and
> this is now available for preview. Information on how to access and
> further details about the scope of the dataset, the data model, etc. are
> available at: http://www.bl.uk/bibliographic/datafree.html
> Please bear in mind that this is very much work in progress; we've
> already identified some issues, which we are working on resolving in
> time for the release of the bigger dataset. We've listed these issues,
> together with other caveats at the page above. 
> Feedback - preferably constructive ;-) - is welcome. I'm now out of the
> office but back in on Wednesday 20th July. I'll be happy to take up the
> discussion then.
> Cheers
> Corine
> ***********************************
> Corine Deliot
> Metadata Standards Analyst
> The British Library
> Boston Spa, Wetherby 
> West Yorkshire
> LS23 7BQ
> ***********************************

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