[open-bibliography] SWIB11 deadline extended to June 30th (Semantic Web in Libraries)
Adrian Pohl
pohl at hbz-nrw.de
Fri Jun 17 12:19:27 UTC 2011
Due to several requests the submission deadline to the third conference "Semantic Web in Libraries" (SWIB), 28.-30.11.2011 in Hamburg has been extended to June, 30th 2011.
Here, once again, the call for proposals:
After the success of the "Semantic Web in Libraries" (SWIB) events in
2009 and 2010, the SWIB11 will take place in Hamburg from 28 to 30
November 2011. The conference will again be organised by the North
Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Centre (hbz), Cologne, and the
German National Library of Economics - Leibniz Information Centre for
Economics (ZBW), Kiel and Hamburg.
A rising number of actors in librarianship and its related fields are
experimenting with Semantic Web technologies and Linked Open Data
(LOD). The LOD cloud as a whole grew by 300% in 2010, whereas the
amount of data relevant for libraries grew by nearly 1000%. The W3C
has created a "Linked Library Data" group to observe this development,
whose first report is due to be published in August. The "Semantic Web
Special Interest Group" established by IFLA shows that this topic has
shown up on their radar as well. At the same time, the principles and
workflows of traditional scientific communication and publication are
under scrutiny with a view to a consistently web-based data and
service infrastructure comprising the entire research and publication
process. Concepts like "nano-publications", "Semantic Publishing",
"Open Data", "Enhanced Publications" or "Research Objects" mark the
re-orientation of academic work, away from monolithic, comparatively
unflexible and barely interlinked reference points towards a
distributed, comparatively granular data infrastructure which is
continuously accessible to researchers and into which their
contributions recognizably return.
These are the questions and topics which we would like to discuss with
you at the conference:
* How do I find my way around the LOD cloud and how do I achieve
maximum visibility for my assets?
* How do we produce useful links to and between newly published
* Where do we find best practice examples for LOD-based applications
which show the added value created by linking assets, in particular
domain-overlapping assets?
* What are the trends in scholarly communication? What are the
consequences of the transformation of traditional research and
publication processes for libraries and what are the opportunities
Linked Open Data can offer here?
* Library Authority Files and their potential as LOD for library
applications or research information systems
* What could or should a future Linked Open Data infrastructure look
like? Are there trends to adapt library applications or research
environments to the Semantic Web and to support their users in RDF
* Open licences as a prerequisite for LOD-based infrastructures
* What kind of support is to be expected from W3C, international and
national bodies for future development?
These are our topics for SWIB11. Do you have an interesting project or
research topic that should be presented at the conference? We would
like to receive suggestions and proposals for contributions (with a
brief abstract, no more than one page) until 20 June 2011. The
conference will be held in German, but contributions in English are
welcome. Please send them electronically to:
Joachim Neubert
Tel. +49-(0)40-42834462
E-mail: j.neubert(at)zbw.eu
Adrian Pohl
Tel. +49-(0)221-40075235
E-mail: swib(at)hbz-nrw.de
Website: http://swib.org/swib11
Twitter: #swib11
Adrian Pohl
Direktionsassistenz (Manager's assistant)
hbz - Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes NRW
Tel: (+49)(0)221 - 400 75 235
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