[open-bibliography] Cambridge Open METAadata

Edmund Chamberlain emc59 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Mar 2 12:24:00 UTC 2011

I'm project manager on the COMET project and work at the UL in 
Cambridge. I've had some initial contact with Rufus but this looks like 
a good time to stop lurking here and say hello!

Content and licensing for the project output is still being finalised, 
but where possible, we intend to follow suit on JISCOpenbib and use 
PDDL. A key part of the project will be exploring the options available 
for a library when this is not yet feasible and use this to raise 
awareness of the issues related to data ownership.

We are also looking at the ordf/open-biblio suite, so my colleagues will 
be posting on the dev-list as well.


Ed Chamberlain

On 02/03/2011 10:28, open-bibliography-request at lists.okfn.org wrote:
> [open-bibliography] Cambridge Open METAadata

Edmund Chamberlain
Systems Development Librarian	
Electronic Services and Systems
Cambridge University Library
West Road,

tel: (+44) 01223 747437
fax: (+44) 01223 333160

email: emc59 at cam.ac.uk

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