[open-bibliography] Introducing Knowledge for All

Mark Leggott mleggott at k4all.ca
Mon Oct 24 22:37:57 UTC 2011

Hi Thomas,

The idea of a "repository for biblio datasets" is part of the K4All plan. We will be posting more detail on the technical architecture shortly, but the goal is to have a rich internal XML schema for metadata that can be mapped to other schemas/formats, similar to what you are suggesting below. The data will be stored in the Fedora repository framework, which provides a great deal of flexibility in how you get the data in and out. 


Mark Leggott, Knowledge for All Founding Director
mleggott at k4all.ca  Skype: markleggott

On 2011-10-24, at 7:08 PM, Jim Pitman wrote:

> Thomas Krichel <krichel at openlib.org> wrote:
>>  You may look at the okfn sponsored 3lib project. 
>> http://3lib.org
> Right. It is an ongoing challenge to find traditional library agents
> willing to host and maintain with some reasonable version control
> bibliographic datasets prepared by others who may not have the server capabilities to do it themselves.  It would be great if KforAll or Talis or other players could step up to this task. If we can get these datasets into standard formats we agree are useful, e.g. BibJSON or some modernized form of AMF XML logically  
> eqivalent to both some light form of RDF and some form of BibJSON, and exhibit 
> services which provide value added to these datasets, then we will be making significant progress.
> I think we are well on the way towards the value added services with the 
> BibServer/BibSoup effort at http://bibsoup.net/
> But we still need the repository level for biblio datasets, something like arXiv for biblio data.
> cheers
> --Jim
> ----------------------------------------------
> Jim Pitman
> Professor of Statistics and Mathematics
> University of California
> 367 Evans Hall # 3860
> Berkeley, CA 94720-3860
> ph: 510-642-9970  fax: 510-642-7892
> e-mail: pitman at stat.berkeley.edu
> URL: http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/users/pitman
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