[open-bibliography] Hello everyone

Peter Murray-Rust pm286 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Aug 16 20:38:25 UTC 2012

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 9:25 PM, Bo Johnson <johnsonbjeff at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Greetings Bo,

> My name is Bo Johnson, I currently live in Chicago, Illinois in the US. I
> work in information management and am finishing a masters degree in Library
> and Information Science. Tech wise, I am not as savvy as I would like to
> be, but I have a little knowledge of HTML, CSS and XML, very little
> knowledge of Javascript, and almost none with Python, though I am working
> through the codeacademy.com courses on Javascript and Python.

There's lots that can be done with simple coding. Much of the work is
things like writing parsers and that's mainly working out the horrors of
legacy formats. A knowledge of regexes, filesystems, servers is always
useful. Javascript is the  main front-end language

> I have completed one course in general cataloging (MARC, AACR2, and basic
> LCSH and Sears subject cataloging) and one course on metadata for internet
> (XML and MARCXML, and very cursory work with EAD, LOM, Dublin Core, METS,
> MODS and ONYX). I also used to work as a professional taxonomist, focusing
> in faceting.

BibJSON takes the view that simple is beautiful , especially when we need
non-professionals to be involved.

> Most of my experience is in enterprise settings (enterprise content and
> document management, specifically) and I would like to contribute in any
> way I can.
Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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