[open-bibliography] Quora - "As a researcher does it still make sense to maintain a web page containing a list of one's publications?"

Jim Pitman pitman at stat.Berkeley.EDU
Thu Feb 9 00:57:38 UTC 2012

Tom Morris <tfmorris at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thought the group might be interested in this question and associated answers:
> http://www.quora.com/As-a-researcher-does-it-still-make-sense-to-maintain-a-web-page-containing-a-list-of-ones-publications
Yes, all good positive answers, and we should continue to do what we can to 
reinforce this behaviour by providing attractive open biblio services which
harvest and add value to such personal listings. 
Are we at the point yet when we should contribute a pointer to BibSoup 
and encourage scholars to use that facility? 
Mark, this is your call really, about when you want to go more public
with BibSoup. Then you or Naomi could start contributing BibSoup advertisements
in response to questions like this.

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