[open-bibliography] Wikimedia project for creating open bibliographic data

Adrian Pohl adrian.pohl at okfn.org
Mon Aug 19 07:34:17 UTC 2013


Wikimedia started an interesting project to promote the creation of
open bibliographic data: the "Massively-Multiplayer Online
Bibliography (MMOB)" [1].

Here's the summary from the wikipage:

"Massively-Multiplayer Online Bibliography (MMOB) is the name for a
series of crowdsourcing projects to perform significant feats of
online bibliography in a fun, collaborative, and principled way, that
would be useful to everyone and acceptable to professionals. It will
rely on volunteer labor, free software, and open Web standards."

I guess, there are some people on this list who are interested in
participating. So, just sign up on the wikipage.

- Adrian

P.S.: I will ask Asaf Bartov [2] - who apparently started this - if
he'd like to give some more information about the projects on

[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Massively-Multiplayer_Online_Bibliography
[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Ijon

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