[Open-contentmining] Welcome to Open contentMining

Peter Murray-Rust pm286 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Dec 12 09:30:27 UTC 2013

Today we launch a new OKFN list dedicated to content-mining (aka Text and
Data Mining, TDM). I use "content" because it also covers images, audio and
anything else which is content and can be mined.

Content mining is a very exciting activity where machines can be used to
extract large amounts of content from electronic content, most commonly
"documents". This list list for everyone and canfor example be used to:

* discuss what is technically possible
* develop protocols
* share technology
* share extracted content
* discuss and develop crawlers/spiders etc

There will be many more topics and I'll be posting more.

It's open to all.  We welcome people and organizations from all sectors.
(Commercial content-mining is a valuable activity). We welcome wide ranging
discussion. The "Open" loosely refers to the OKFN, the value of Open
source, Open content, Open corpora, etc. and Open community.  Communities
such as StackOverflow and Wikipedia have developed useful guidelines and
practices for mentioning non-Open approaches. In general
* be polite and constructive.
* listen to others
* don't advertise commercial products.

and we'll develop as we go...

Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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