[Open-data-census] [okfn-discuss] A question about the Open Data census scoring system
Laura James
laura.james at okfn.org
Thu Aug 1 11:15:20 BST 2013
Hi Tracey,
As part of our work on the census this year we're reviewing methodology in
response to all the feedback we've had through the Spring, especially
around the G8 countries. We hope to have a much more robust system and
guidance in place for the full 2013 census review and release later this
year - so please do share any thoughts on how we can make improvements, and
the Census team will be working on this in the coming weeks.
Best regards,
On 31 July 2013 15:20, Tracey P. Lauriault <tlauriau at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Rufus;
> I sent some queries to the census folks as well, as the methodology does
> not work well for federations with divisions of powers and thus different
> data responsibilities at different levels of jurisdiction, in Canada we
> have Federal, 13 provinces and territories and 3000+ municipalities each
> with different responsibilities, for example, transit is delivered at the
> city but directed by the provinces and territories, environment data is
> both provincial & territorial and federal, and so on. The census does not
> take this into consideration when collecting data and there was no room for
> qualify data entries and very little provenance or lineage as to who
> submitted what and what their levels of expertise were, making it difficult
> to trust the Canadian results, and my guess is some of the other countries
> with different situations.
> Since I did not receive a response from my querries, should I re-send them
> to you? I think methodological rigour is important if results are to be
> trusted and most especially if decisions are going to be made on these data.
> Sincerely
> Tracey
> On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 2:28 PM, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>wrote:
>> [changing mailing list from okfn-discuss to open-data-census]
>> On 23 July 2013 12:06, Tatyana Tolsteneva <tatyanatolsteneva at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Dear colleagues,
>>> my name is Tatyana and i'm a development manager of the Freedom of
>>> Information Foundation - Russian FOI-advocasy NGO based in St. Petersburg.
>>> I'm interested in the OKNF Open Data Census scoring system because i
>>> can't catch it's idea of it http://census.okfn.org/G8/
>> OKFN (Open Knowledge Foundation (Network))
>>> At first i had a hypothesis, that each "yes" costs 1 poin and points
>>> just should to be summarized.
>> That's almost the case but not quite: whether data is up to date does not
>> count towards the total score.
>>> This idea has been perfect, if maximum for all questions would have been
>>> 7.
>>> But we have 6 as maximum.
>>> So my question is about "data existence" column
>> IN case all "yes" should cost 1 points, it should be 7 as maximum.
>> See above.
>>> Form the table http://census.okfn.org/G8/ i can see that some
>>> times "yes" per "data existence" is taken into the account.
>> It should be always taken into account.
>>> Fo example, Transport timetable is Russia, Government spending is
>>> France and in Italy.
>>> But in the majority of cases YES per "data existence" is not included
>>> into the account. For example Zip-codes Russia
>> It is included there - it's up to date that is not included.
>>> And speaking about Russian case, company register for Russia has 2/6
>>> and Transport timetable has 2/6, but Company register is up to date
>>> and Transport timetable is not.
>> See above.
>>> Would you be so kind to explain this scoring and situation with points
>>> for "data existence" and i woul be specially glad for explaining in the
>>> context of the Russian score.
>> Hope the above clarifies things. Also thanks for asking as your questions
>> will encourage us to put up further documentation on the website!
>> Rufus
>> *
>> *
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> --
> Tracey P. Lauriault
> Post Doctoral Fellow
> Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre
> https://gcrc.carleton.ca/confluence/display/GCRCWEB/Lauriault
> http://datalibre.ca/
> 613-234-2805
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> Open-data-census mailing list
> Open-data-census at lists.okfn.org
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Dr Laura James
Co-Director | skype: laura.james | @LaurieJ <https://twitter.com/LaurieJ>
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