[Open-data-census] [open-government] EU Consultation on gov data re-use.

Timothy Vollmer tvol at creativecommons.org
Tue Dec 17 16:36:55 UTC 2013

the final report from the EC has been released:

blog post:


On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:00 PM, Timothy Vollmer
<tvol at creativecommons.org>wrote:

> FYI for those still wanting to submit answers to the consultation
> questionnaire (due tomorrow), here are the responses of several groups,
> including CC HQ and CC Europe, LAPSI, and Communia Association. You can use
> the answers and tailor them.
> https://docs.google.com/a/creativecommons.org/document/d/1iEYkx42tpkaPOj-dQB5s02-h-GD2dt5K-j-886jjzpM/edit#
> timothy
> On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 2:57 AM, Patrick Weber <pweber at spatialbit.com>wrote:
>> Dont know if anyone on this list can make it, but there will be a public
>> meeting in Luxembourg on the 25th of November to discuss the new PIS
>> directives. We will be attending !
>> https://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/public-hearing-guidelines-recommended-standard-licences-datasets-and-charging-reuse
>> Public hearing on guidelines on recommended standard licences, datasets
>> and charging for the reuse
>>  Events: 25/11/2013, Euroforum building, 10, rue Stumper, L-2557
>> Luxembourg
>> As part of our public consultation process <http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/consultation-guidelines-recommended-standard-licences-datasets-and-charging-re-use-public>on
>> the planned guidelines on recommended standard licences, datasets and
>> charging for the reuse of public sector information, the
>> European Commission invites you to participate in a public hearing.
>> Please see the attached document with an agenda.
>> *Practical information:*
>> *If you would like to attend the hearing, it is necessary for security
>> reasons to register by contacting Ms. Styliani CHARTAMPILA (see contact
>> below).*
>> Plan of the EUFO building <http://ec.europa.eu/oil/img/clocheBig.gif>
>> How to get here<http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/language-technologies/contacts_en.html>
>> Styliani Chartampila <cnect-g3 at ec.europa.eu>
>>  Related Documents:
>> Public hearing on guidelines on recommended standard licences<http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/newsroom/cf/dae/document.cfm?doc_id=2969>
>> On 2 September 2013 11:16, Ton Zijlstra <ton.zijlstra at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> The European Commission last Friday has opened a consultation based on
>>> three questions the new PSI Directive gives the EC a guiding role in.
>>> http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/consultation-guidelines-recommended-standard-licences-datasets-and-charging-re-use-public
>>> The revised Directive <http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2013:175:0001:0008:EN:PDF>calls
>>> on the European Commission to assist the Member States in implementing the
>>> Directive in a consistent way by issuing guidelines on
>>>    - recommended standard licenses,
>>>    - datasets to be released/improved as a matter of priority and
>>>    - charging for the reuse of documents.
>>> The objective of the consultation is therefore to seek the views of
>>> stakeholders on specific issues to be addressed in the 3 sets of guidelines.
>>> I think this is an important consultation, that needs a significant
>>> input from the wider open data community.
>>> When it comes to licensing and charging, there is I think a significant
>>> difference between established (commercial) re-users (which are sure to
>>> respond to the consultation) and 'new' users of data. Innovation, societal
>>> resilience and grass-roots effort is best served with getting as close to
>>> the open definition as possible, whereas established players individually
>>> from their perspective are best served by staying away from the open
>>> definition: licensing and charging are great ways to put a barrier to entry
>>> on the low end of your existing market or niche, and thus protecting
>>> yourself from competition or challengers.
>>> When it comes to prioritizing datasets for release or improvement I, as
>>> lead editor for the Open Data Census (http://census.okfn.org/), am
>>> eager to hear your thoughts, and if possible welcome you to the Open Data
>>> census workshop in 2 weeks at the OK Conference in Geneva (
>>> http://okcon.org/open-data-government-and-governance/session-d/). To me
>>> the datasets we currently track are 'infrastructure' (geo, spending,
>>> voting, company register and such, transport), whereas I suspect that to
>>> take on certain societal issues different core data sets are needed
>>> (healthcare, education data, financial system, energy / water, etc).
>>> Best,
>>> Ton
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Interdependent Thoughts
>>> Ton Zijlstra
>>> ton at tonzijlstra.eu
>>> +31-6-34489360
>>> http://zylstra.org/blog
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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