[Open-data-census] [okfn-discuss] A question about the Open Data census scoring system

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Jul 31 19:28:31 BST 2013

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On 23 July 2013 12:06, Tatyana Tolsteneva <tatyanatolsteneva at gmail.com>wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> my name is Tatyana and i'm a development manager of the Freedom of
> Information Foundation - Russian FOI-advocasy NGO based in St. Petersburg.
> I'm interested in the OKNF Open Data Census scoring system because i can't
> catch it's idea of it http://census.okfn.org/G8/

OKFN (Open Knowledge Foundation (Network))

> At first i had a hypothesis, that each "yes" costs 1 poin and points just
> should to be summarized.

That's almost the case but not quite: whether data is up to date does not
count towards the total score.

> This idea has been perfect, if maximum for all questions would have been 7.
> But we have 6 as maximum.
> So my question is about "data existence" column
IN case all  "yes" should cost 1 points, it should be 7 as maximum.

See above.

> Form the table http://census.okfn.org/G8/ i can see that some times "yes"
> per "data existence" is taken into the account.

It should be always taken into account.

> Fo example,  Transport timetable is Russia, Government spending is France
> and in Italy.
> But in the majority of cases YES per "data existence" is not included into
> the account. For example Zip-codes Russia

It is included there - it's up to date that is not included.

> And speaking about Russian case, company register for Russia  has 2/6 and
> Transport timetable has 2/6, but Company register is up to date
> and Transport timetable is not.

See above.

> Would you be so kind to explain this scoring and situation with points
> for "data existence" and i woul be specially glad for explaining in the
> context of the Russian score.

Hope the above clarifies things. Also thanks for asking as your questions
will encourage us to put up further documentation on the website!


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