[Open-data-census] Scoring OpenData Completeness

Andreas Trawoeger atrawog at kartenwerkstatt.at
Tue Nov 5 12:18:05 GMT 2013

I'm currently reviewing the scores for Austria and I'm a quite worried
that Data Completeness isn't scored in any form.

OpenData and OpenGovernment has got quite popular in Austria and every
government agency starts to publish some kind of OpenData (which is a
good thing).

Only problem is that some agencies only offer either a single or
multiple incomplete data sets which are pretty useless in real use,
but allows them to get good scores in multiple evaluation.

A good example is the Umweltbundesamt (Federal Environment Agency
Austria) which only offers the current hourly averaged Ozone data and
still gets a Open Data Index Score of 70% [0].

What worries me is that the Open Data Index in the current form could
encourage and reward agencies to only do a OpenData lip service.

My suggestion for the next index revision would be to choose a best
practice example for every category and score the Data Completeness
relative to that.

For air pollution I would recommend the EEA AirBase [1] as reference
which offers excellent air pollution data about Europe.

cu andreas

[0] https://index.okfn.org/country/Austria/emissions
[1] http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/airbase-the-european-air-quality-database-7#tab-data-by-country

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