[Open-data-census] consuming open data

nilanjan bhattacharya nilanjanb at live.com
Thu Nov 14 00:42:37 UTC 2013

Sometime back I had created a visualization of the Singapore 2013 budget - http://revelutions.wordpress.com/2013/03/12/singapore-budget-2013/ This was a simple version of the New York times visualization of the US budget http://www.nytimes.com/packages/html/newsgraphics/2011/0119-budget/

I'd be interested in creating a few of these for other countries if someone can make sense of the data.

I also think for open datasets as a test someone should try to consume the data as a test to see if the data is really usable.  You can do this by creating a program which manipulates the data or create a visualization like mine.

When I looked at other countries budget data, although the data seems to be in the right form, I found it difficult to make sense of the data.
- each department uses a different format
- no clear heirarchy
- making sure all numbers add up to the parent totals

If someone is willing to make sense of the data, I think there are groups who would be interested in visualizing it or analyzing it.

- Nilanjan
(New to open data)

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