[Open-data-census] Dataset Definitons

Andrew Stott andrew.stott at dirdigeng.com
Thu Oct 3 10:20:47 BST 2013

Is the "submissions" different from the (non-editor) "propose revisions" page - and if so where can we find it?!



(sent from a mobile device, please forgive any errors or strange autocorrections)

On 3 Oct 2013, at 09:50, miska knapek <miska at knapek.org> wrote:

Thanks Andrew!

This was actually the subject of my recent mea-culpa post. 

Sorry to sound like I'm whining - just trying to offer some ideas - it would have been good to have the definitions listed somewhere, like a reference/handbooks section.

All the best,


On 3 October 2013 11:05, Andrew Stott <andrew.stott at dirdigeng.com> wrote:
> There are pretty extensive definitions of the “Data Availability Questions” in the “Propose Revisions” screen – which expand on the summaries in the tooltips on the Country screen.
> However some of the definitions of the “Datasets” are less extensive. 
> For instance I have been doing some comparisons of the datasets offered by various countries under “Postcodes/Zipcode” and “Government Spending”.
> For Postcodes the definition which comes up on the “Propose Revisions” screen is simply “Database of postcodes / zipcodes and their corresponding geolocations.”  A key point to ensure consistency is what constitutes “geolocation”?
> For Government Spending the definition is “Government spending at a detailed transactional level, that is at the level of month to month government expenditure including money spent on specific contracts or with specific vendors.”  For at least one country the link is to a (very good and extensive) *contract* database, which meets the contract point but does not seem to give detailed, month by month, transactions.  (Perhaps we should also have an additional dataset category for “contracts”, but that it is a different point)
> Are more extensive definitions available for this and other datasets, either as formal statements or in guidance derived from discussion on mailing lists etc please?  I cannot find anything much in the archives of this list.
> Regards
> Andrew
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