[Open-data-census] Getting the new submission system ready - testing today, get a sneak peak

Christian Villum christian.villum at okfn.org
Mon Sep 16 11:23:43 BST 2013

Dear Country Editors,

As you know our development team has been hard at work revamping the Open
Data Census submission system these last couple of weeks - it is *going to
be *great*, we look much forward to present it to you*!

The new system *will be tested at the Open Data Census workshop* @ OKCon
today, *inviting feedback from participants* both at the conference
and via Google
/ 2-4PM CEST).

The plan was to also be able to use it to roll it out publicly to start
submissions all over the world today, but with OKCon happening this week
our resources have naturally been a little more stretched than usual.

This means the new system will take just a few more days this week to be
ready, so we hope for your patience. Trust it, it'll be worth it ;)

If you want a sneak peak, please do join our Google Hangout



Christian Villum

Community Manager, Open Government Data + Local Groups Network
skype: christianvillum  |  @villum <http://www.twitter.com/villum>
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