[Open-data-census] Inaccuracies in current display of the National open data Index

Mor Rubinstein morchickit at gmail.com
Sat Jun 28 23:48:57 UTC 2014

Hello all,

I am writing my thesis regarding Open Data in Europe and I'm using the Open
Index as one of my main datasets for a comparison. Compare to the
Barometer, half of the countries in the Index are from Europe, which makes
it the better choice for this kind of research.

During my work I discovered some inaccuracies in the data. Germany for
example, has 410 points in the official index page, while it has 610 in the
census one- http://national.census.okfn.org/ . Slovenia is another example
with 485 points in the Index and 725 in the census.

In the Germany case, the score was updated shortly after the census was
published, yet no one ever updated it. Moreover, in the Barometer, Germany
score is closer to 615, which shows that the current value is wrong. My
question is - *Why is the data faulty?* This data is relevant to 2013 and
actually cause faulty information analysis like in the case of this map -

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