[Open-data-census] Dilemmas in running a City Census

Silviu Vert silviu.vert at gmail.com
Wed May 14 13:54:59 UTC 2014

Hi Christian, Miroslav, Jogi,

Thanks for the answers. Your ideas sound fair.

One more question: what do you understand by "Business Permits"? Is it like
authorizations for businesses to open establishments / lucrative facilities
and such?


On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Antti Jogi Poikola
<antti.poikola at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi
> On 7 May 2014 17:58, Silviu Vert <silviu.vert at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 1) What do you do if some local datasets are to be found at the central
>> level? For example, in Romania, the local election results are processed
>> all together and exposed by a central institution, the Permanent Electoral
>> Authority. Do you just put the same exact evaluation for each city in your
>> list, pointing out to the central dataset? Can this be considered relevant
>> for the evaluation and comparison between cities?
> we modified the Finland census data sets - in stead of election results
> (which are trivial since found from central gov site) we are asking for the
> boundaries of electoral districts which is data that is in deed held by the
> cities.
>> 2) What is your experience with the number of cities when starting the
>> census? Do you prefer to put just a few cities at the beginning, for
>> simplification? Do you find it overwhelming to have tens of cities in the
>> list from the beginning? What about the number of datasets: does it have
>> any influence at the start of the census?
> We added first those cities from where we know some open knowledge actives
> who we then try to get involved in filling the data.
> -Jogi / Finland
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