[Open-data-census] Govt spending - item level
Michaela Rybičková
michaela.rybickova at motejl.cz
Mon Nov 10 16:26:50 UTC 2014
Thank you very much, Rufus!
Michaela Rybičková
Hradecká 18
130 00 Praha 3
tel.: +420 226 227 703
mobil: +420 728 872 564
e-mail: michaela.rybickova at motejl.cz
Fond Otakara Motejla spravuje Nadace Open Society Fund Praha.
2014-11-10 17:25 GMT+01:00 Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>:
> Hi Michaela,
> I think this actually got asked (and answered) on the forum but no heads
> up here was sent:
> http://discuss.okfn.org/t/government-spending/108/3
> Basic answer was: yes, this needs to be pretty detailed. The kind of info
> you posted re Czech Republic definitely would not count.
> Rufus
> On 10 November 2014 16:20, Michaela Rybičková <
> michaela.rybickova at motejl.cz> wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I noticed that this question about how detailed transactional level
>> counts is still without answer. I think that it is a pity, because it is an
>> important one :)
>> I'll be glad to know your opinions!
>> Sincerely,
>> Michaela Rybičková
>> koordinátorka
>> Hradecká 18
>> 130 00 Praha 3
>> tel.: +420 226 227 703
>> mobil: +420 728 872 564
>> e-mail: michaela.rybickova at motejl.cz
>> www.motejl.cz
>> Fond Otakara Motejla spravuje Nadace Open Society Fund Praha.
>> 2014-11-06 12:32 GMT+01:00 Michaela Rybičková <
>> michaela.rybickova at motejl.cz>:
>>> Dear fellow Index contributors,
>>> in Czech Republic, we are currently discussing whether the level of
>>> detail provided is sufficient:
>>> The descripition of the dataset states "*individual records of spending
>>> amounts under $1m or even under $100k*"
>>> If I would judge it according to the sum it would be considered
>>> sufficient, as the Ministry of Finance publishes statements as detailed as
>>> 7000 USD at some cases.
>>> But, I'm not sure if it qualifies when it comes to " *detailed
>>> transactional level" - *the purpose on which the money were spent is
>>> defined rather generally, I'd would say.
>>> For example, this is how the Ministry of Labour reports its expenses on
>>> employment policy for 2014 (in thousands of CZK), also available here
>>> <http://monitor.statnipokladna.cz/en/2014/statni-rozpocet/kapitola/313#tabId>
>>> :
>>> Chapter / Group / Sector / Subsector / ParagraphApproved budget
>>> (in ths. CZK)Adjusted budget
>>> (in ths. CZK)Final budget
>>> (in ths. CZK)Actual
>>> (in ths. CZK)
>>> <http://monitor.statnipokladna.cz/en/2014/statni-rozpocet/kapitola/313#>Social
>>> affairs and employment policy524 462 377524 450 888530 807 175251 674
>>> 637
>>> <http://monitor.statnipokladna.cz/en/2014/statni-rozpocet/kapitola/313#>Employment
>>> policy4 589 8194 589 8197 414 6082 743 166
>>> <http://monitor.statnipokladna.cz/en/2014/statni-rozpocet/kapitola/313#>Active
>>> employment policy4 589 8194 589 8197 414 6082 743 166Retraining219 388175
>>> 938487 551165 692Community service1 045 9081 501 5732 591 703839 949Socially
>>> useful jobs703 583732 5501 658 891840 673Unemployment compensation for
>>> people with disabilities157 841131 288151 28831 949Other unemployment
>>> compensation346 321346 321514 12224 761Targeted programs dealing with
>>> employment1 870 3751 451 8751 454 275757 615Active employment policy
>>> not included elsewhere246 403250 274556 77882 526
>>> Is this the level of detail we're looking for? Or is it too vague - I
>>> know how much my govt spent on socially useful jobs, but that's not
>>> particularly useful when I don't know if those were trainings, analyses or
>>> campaigns...
>>> Let me know your views and good luck with your countries :)
>>> Michaela Rybičková
>>> koordinátorka
>>> Hradecká 18
>>> 130 00 Praha 3
>>> tel.: +420 226 227 703
>>> mobil: +420 728 872 564
>>> e-mail: michaela.rybickova at motejl.cz
>>> www.motejl.cz
>>> Fond Otakara Motejla spravuje Nadace Open Society Fund Praha.
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