[open-development] Call out for Full Disclosure blog submissions

Theodora Middleton theodora.middleton at okfn.org
Mon Mar 21 16:55:40 UTC 2011

Dear all,

Publish What You Fund, together with Devex, have recently launched a new
user-generated blog about aid transparency, Full Disclosure at
http://www.devex.com/en/blogs/full-disclosure. They'd love to hear from
people working in the field who'd like to make a contribution to the blog.
They suggested in particular from the OKF end perhaps something on the data
visualisation front; what you can do with aid information,  with an example
of a similar initiative/ data set which has allowed a system to work more
effectively. Or anything else you can think of! There's a guide attached
with more info on getting involved.

All the best,

Theodora Middleton

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