[open-development] OK Fest Helsinki - Outreach to Finnish NGOs on open data and IATI

Claudia Schwegmann claudia.schwegmann at openaid.de
Thu Jun 14 18:37:20 UTC 2012

Hi everybody
Here is a brief update on the proposed session at the OKfest with Finnish NGOs
In the last few days I had talks with Mika Välitalo from Plan Finland and with one of the Finish NGO platforms Kehys
We suggest an event at the OKfest which is specifically addressed to Finnish NGOs (and other interested people).
The purpose of the event would be to introduce IATI and open data more generally.
Apart from a general introduction it would be good to have somebody from a British or Dutch NGO to talk about their experience with implementing IATI.
The idea would also be for Finnish NGOs to experience the OKfest and maybe attend other events of the development stream and of other streams.

The Finnish NGO platform Kehys is very excited about the OKfest and is looking forward to collaborate on this event.
I will contact the second NGO platform KEPA next week and to discuss with them a possible participation in the OKfest.

Mika will discuss with Juha about the issue of space for such an NGO event at the OKfest and about contacting the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ensure their participation.

So far from me
Best wishes

Claudia Schwegmann
Open Knowledge Foundation Germany
Birkenkamp 41
D-30900 Wedemark

+49 (0) 5130 609691
Mobil +49 (0)163 326 6504

Twitter @OpenAidGermany
Skype Claudia.Schwegmann
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