[open-economics] Macroeconomic Dynamic Model of Financial Stores and Flows

Alexander Praetorius citizen at serapath.de
Fri Dec 14 10:31:51 UTC 2012

Hi everybody!

I'm member of the german pirate party and active participant in the working

For more than 5 years I'm involved with our financial system and the crisis
in general.
The pirate party is working intensively on their program and the above
mentioned working group is concerned with the economic program.

We, as a working group are still busy with the task of reverse engineering
our financial system and have already come to several stunning conclusions.
What I would like to do is, to take our growing knowledge and put it into
an interactive model of our economy that will use real data as long as it's
available, that's grounded in doubleentry bookkeeping.
We already made a lot of static visualizations of aspects of the whole
system and i've created an excel sheet that explains the fundamental idea
of modelling and which can be used to simulate exactly one period manually.
For the next period you would need another sheet.

I've attached the current version to this email.


Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Alexander Praetorius
Rappstraße 13
D - 60318 Frankfurt am Main
*[skype] *alexander.praetorius
*[mail] *citizen at serapath.de <alexander.praetorius at serapath.de>
*[web] *http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Benutzer:Serapath
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