[open-economics] Macroeconomic Dynamic Model of Financial Stores and Flows

Miguel Fiandor mfiandor at gmail.com
Sat Dec 15 09:13:39 UTC 2012

Hi all too,

Sounds a great job what you are doing Alexander, i took a look to the
worksheet and I see you divide it in Central Bank, Banks, Frims, Households
and ¿Abroad A?. But no numbers, i don't understand much the worksheet, to
into account that i´m computer engineer, i just have dipped me feet into
accounting and finances, so I am quite newby on this.

About you have said, I think the target it's very interesting, and i'd be
interested in doing something similar in my country, Spain, probably many
people would be, right?,hehe
Well, I want to say it's that your methodology or procedure it's probably
what matters here, and what can really help others and us to do similar
thing in other countries. Since I guess that scraping the data (what I like
to do), it's going to be different for every country.

I take the chance to introduce myself, since I recently joined. I am
computer science and starting as entrepeneur in Spain now, i like
programming for scrapping data from the web and in the near future I hope
to visualize it too as well, to join the Opendata projects. I also did a
master on Environmental care so if it something going on poke me!.

The mail list is quite nice, but do we have a place with links to all data
where we could build charts, apps, studies??

Best regards,

                Miguel Fiandor

2012/12/14 Alexander Praetorius <citizen at serapath.de>

> Hi everybody!
> I'm member of the german pirate party and active participant in the
> working group:
> http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/AG_Geldordnung_und_Finanzpolitik
> For more than 5 years I'm involved with our financial system and the
> crisis in general.
> The pirate party is working intensively on their program and the above
> mentioned working group is concerned with the economic program.
> We, as a working group are still busy with the task of reverse engineering
> our financial system and have already come to several stunning conclusions.
> What I would like to do is, to take our growing knowledge and put it into
> an interactive model of our economy that will use real data as long as it's
> available, that's grounded in doubleentry bookkeeping.
> We already made a lot of static visualizations of aspects of the whole
> system and i've created an excel sheet that explains the fundamental idea
> of modelling and which can be used to simulate exactly one period manually.
> For the next period you would need another sheet.
> I've attached the current version to this email.
> --
> Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> ***********************************************
> Alexander Praetorius
> Rappstraße 13
> D - 60318 Frankfurt am Main
> Germany
> *[skype] *alexander.praetorius
> *[mail] *citizen at serapath.de <alexander.praetorius at serapath.de>
> *[web] *http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Benutzer:Serapath
> ***********************************************
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