[open-economics] Project - Econ Factbook

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Jan 22 11:55:21 UTC 2016

The other area that I'd really recommend to people as a great area to
contribute is the Core Datasets project and especially adding in more
socioeconomic data:


If you know how to use a spreadsheet or dig up data on the web you can
contribute - and it can also be a pathway to learning more skills. I am
heavily involved and there are various people contributing and coordinating
so you are sure of a friendly welcome.


On 21 January 2016 at 22:14, Gustavo Silva <gustavosantaremsilva at gmail.com>

> Hello all,
> In the past days, I have been working on preparing some projects for us to
> work on and tried to fulfil its respective needs. More will come in the
> future, although I am keeping my focus on Econ Factbook (
> http://econfactbook.org/), a project created by Alex Peek, which has been
> heavily discussed in the forums (
> https://discuss.okfn.org/t/econ-factbook-website-suggestions/1737/26). My
> other actions are focused on managerial stuff, which, indeed, I could use
> some help in the future (some topics for you to consider if this has some
> interest to you: Social media strategy, capturing new volunteers and
> motivate older ones, website strategy & usage, GitHub administration &
> management).
> The group needs to get upfront and work together on this project. We
> actually need more than two inputs at a time, otherwise this project will
> take years (seriously) and we have more ideas coming over.
> I'm doing my best efforts in Python, but being the latest language I
> learned myself, it has not been easy. If you know how to code in Python (or
> any other language), please drop by and help us keep the project running.
> Another update: I'm still waiting for an approval to do major changes in
> the groups' website. I will soon start a thread about it on the forum,
> specially because we need one more functionality on the website that we
> don't have for now - recycle datahub.io or CKAN and put it directly into
> our website, so that people can download datasets, under the many economic
> topics related.
> If you have any question, drop by the forums or in IRC (#okfn-oe @
> freenode) and I'm usually around.
> Best Regards / Obrigado e com os melhores cumprimentos,
> Gustavo Silva
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