[open-economics] the problems of sharing economic research data

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon Mar 21 16:51:19 UTC 2016

Hi Danny,

I recommend posting on the forum:


I was involved with Velichka on that project and should be able to assist
if she cannot.


On 21 March 2016 at 14:56, Danny Lämmerhirt <danny.lammerhirt at okfn.org>

> Dear all,
> I'm a researcher with Open Knowledge International writing a briefing
> paper for Pasteur4OA <http://www.pasteur4oa.eu/>. I read a very
> interesting article by Velichka Dimitrova about open economics
> <http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2013/10/23/open-data-in-economics-the-basis-of-reproducible-research/>
> and data sharing practices in this field.
> I was wondering if anyone of you knows about links to literature on this
> topic he/she could share. Maybe you know of papers describing data sharing
> practices in economics, the (absence of) discipline specific data sharing
> norms, data archiving and curation issues, s.o.
> Papers on current institutional policies or funding would also be very
> helpful. I was already checking publications by RIN and others but I
> besides statements that economics "generally is a discipline where
> researchers are keen to share data" (which I doubt) I couldn't find
> anything specific.
> I would be very thankful for any tip! This would also help to make a
> stronger case for data sharing policies that are aligned with the needs and
> practices of economics.
> Kindest regards
> --
> Danny Lämmerhirt
> Researcher
> Open Knowledge <http://okfn.org/>
> *okfn.org <http://okfn.org/> | @okfn <http://twitter.com/OKFN>*
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