[Open-education] Introducing myself

Andre Jaenisch ryunoki at openmailbox.org
Tue Sep 24 18:27:56 UTC 2013

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Hello, I'm Andre Jaenisch,

I'm from Germany and currently interested learning more about OER. This
concept came to my mind through the Pirate Party and German wing of OKF.
At the moment, I'm studying and learn programming (Python, Ruby, Web
programming languages) auto-didactically.
I'm very interested in supporting people with disabilities like sign
language users. For them, the spoken language is often too hard to
understand, so I'm learning more about "Simple language" to produce
easier-to-understand items. I can imagine, that is compatible with OER.

Moreover, I'd like to see at least basic education resources open to the
public. So I spend lots of time thinking about how to help sign language
users. There are several media, though, but to learn this language,
you'd have to have money to buy them. Look, a dictionary would be fine.
Let's develop it =) But I have to take care for sign interpreters not
loosing their jobs. *narf* So complicated with German bureaucracy. OER
is a pretty young topic here.

So for the beginning, I'm rather a reader than a writer. Curious, what
will be written here =)

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