[Open-education] Open Education Handbook available on Wikibooks

Mick Clearerchannel mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Tue Dec 30 15:25:09 UTC 2014

On 17/12/14 13:48, Barker, Phil A wrote:
> ...and EPUB-WEB makes this even more attractive.
> http://w3c.github.io/epubweb/ my summary at
> http://blogs.pjjk.net/phil/initial-thoughts-on-epub-web-portable-documents-for-the-open-web-platform/
> Phil

That is really interesting.
I think there is really a place for this in our world of online content
and migratory lives and jobs.

For example, I've found the ability to export different blogs and
specific blog posts from one place to another extremely useful using the
wordpress wxr / xml format.

At first glance I can't work out exactly why a new format beyond epub is
needed for small scale publishing / projects but there's certainly some
good reading there.

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