[Open-education] open knowledge in art education

Mats Brenner Mats.Brenner at hig.se
Wed Feb 26 08:01:10 UTC 2014

Search "art" at OER Commons: http://www.oercommons.org/search?f.search=art?

Hälsn. - Best Regards,

/Mats Brenner

Phone: +46 (0)26 648218  or  070-350 02 33

E-mail: mbr at hig.se     Skype: mats.brenner
Dept/Office: http://www.hig.se/Biblioteket/Distansstudier-Flexibelt-larande.html
Vill du veta mer om mig, gå till: http://www.multiurl.com/g/dDT

Från: open-education <open-education-bounces at lists.okfn.org> för Bárbara Fernández <bfernandezabad at gmail.com>
Skickat: den 25 februari 2014 20:47
Till: open-education at lists.okfn.org
Ämne: [Open-education] open knowledge in art education


I'm researching about open knowledge in the context of art education, could you share some information on this topic? research, artists working openly and colabortaive in internet ...

thank you very much
[Högskolan i Gävle]

Högskolan i Gävle, 801 76 Gävle * 026 64 85 00 * www.hig.se<http://www.hig.se>

För en hållbar livsmiljö för människan

University of Gävle, SE-801 76 Gävle, Sweden * +46 (0) 26 64 85 00 * www.hig.se<http://www.hig.se>

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