[Open-education] Friday Chat: Re: Import Lesson

Marieke Guy marieke.guy at okfn.org
Fri Jul 4 08:10:10 UTC 2014

Of course!! No need for me to agree it!

So this builds on the 'Can OERs be broken down into elements?' 
in the handbook - and 'how can we continue to build on OERs?'

The post (import lessons 
<http://software-carpentry.org/blog/2014/04/import-lesson.html>) that 
Raniere references makes some valid points:

/"And then there's the maintenance problem. Software Carpentry's lessons 
are constantly evolving; how can someone who depends on them know 
whether everything they require is still there a year or two down the 
road? With software, they can recompile their program or re-run its unit 
tests and see whether things still work. There's no equivalent for 
lessons---no easy way to find out whether dependencies that used to 
resolve are still there.

Sooner or later, any large, multi-author project has to find a way to 
track and manage dependencies. Conversely, I believe that if a project 
can't do this, it won't be able to scale up. It isn't the only obstacle 
to collaborative lesson development, or the biggest, but it is an 
obstacle, even within Software Carpentry itself. If we can figure out 
how to solve it, we'll be one step closer to helping all the potential 
Lorena Barbas out there create a network of wonderful lessons./"

Raniere's solution is to use Git or Mercurial.

What do people think?


On 04/07/2014 00:56, Raniere Silva wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> did you already thought about a tool that let you import open educational
> resources from someone else and build you own resource on top of it?
> I wrote some thoughts about it at
> http://blog.rgaiacs.com/2014/07/02/import_lesson_is_possible.html and love to
> get feedbacks.
> Thanks in advance,
> Raniere
> P.S.: If Marieke agree this could be this week Friday discussion.
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Marieke Guy
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