[Open-education] Import Lesson

Lorna M Campbell lorna.m.campbell at icloud.com
Fri Jul 4 16:26:11 UTC 2014

Hi there, 

I've been following this discussion with interest as it's a important topic that comes up periodically on open education lists.  There was a lengthy discussion about the use of tools such as Git on the oer-discuss Jiscmail list in 2012 that might be worth revisiting https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A1=ind1207&L=OER-DISCUSS#19, as some of the same issues have been raised here today.  Incidentally that particualr discussion was sparked by a typically thought provoking blog post by Amber Thomas http://fragmentsofamber.wordpress.com/2012/07/01/the-git-and-the-pendulum/  Amber's blog post might be two years old but it's still worth a read. 


On 4 Jul 2014, at 09:20, Marieke Guy wrote:

> and +1 to Mick's comments!
> On 04/07/2014 09:06, Mick - FM wrote:
>> On 04/07/14 00:56, Raniere Silva wrote:
>>> I wrote some thoughts about it at
>>> http://blog.rgaiacs.com/2014/07/02/import_lesson_is_possible.html and love to
>>> get feedbacks.
>> Hi there, 
>> I agree that we should totally advocate that OER fit with the idea of Data Portability. 
>> Unfortunately, this idea seems to have failed to gain traction - I never even knew there was a Data Portability project 501c3 
>> But alnyway it seems to have died a death along with the Open Web!
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DataPortability
>> But the idea is still valid for us in open education land. I'll post that link to the chapter of the Open Web book on the same subject again as it's relevant here. 
>> http://en.flossmanuals.net/an-open-web/your-rights-and-freedoms/
>> Raniere, as far as your blog post goes. I think that technically I agree with a lot of what you are saying but you could be in danger of over thinking it. I think that while a git tech approach clearly has advantages for forking and remerging materials, I       think operating it would create too many barriers for most educators self-publishing materials. 
>> Rather than try to gather a movement to adopt a new standard. I would suggest working within the limits of what epub can deliver is a better approach. 
>> I need to write a better blog post to get across some of the discussion that happened at this session at the recent cetis conference. 
>> http://blogs.cetis.ac.uk/wilbert/2014/06/24/when-does-a-book-become-a-web-platform/
>> My argument would go something like this. 
>> * most OER are shared by the person / team that writes them
>> * online courses, Moocs, OER repositories are increasingly the place where OER are collaboratively written using blog type,       wysiswyg tools which output HTML pages
>> * format specs like Scorm and metadata standards like LOM are too hard for self publishers to use 
>> * epubs are the most suitable candidate to allow importing and exporting of OER into these platform allowing us the freedom to exit and remix between repositories
>> * EDUPUB is in danger of bringing a lot of complexity to the equation and hindering uptake
>> * let's not get hung up on interactivity - let's get the workflow working with simple epubs first and use the web coding priciple of "progressive enhancement" to bring more interactivity to OER
>> * exported ePubs work well on mobile devices (just saying) 
>> * ePubs - all the way - let's advocate for all VLEs, MOOCs, Blogs etc to accept import and export of ePubs 
>> Raniere, would you consider looking at coding an import epub function to the tool you will be using. Can you imagine some kind of workflow with epub that invites forking and remerging? 
>> Everyone else, is the above argument valid? What are your thoughts? Why isn't this more common for OER platforms?  
>> Here are some relevant links to some of the above - I've been playing around with exporting and importing epubs into various platforms AND creating epubs from web pages ( very handy)  as part of the recent Mozilla webmaker training. 
>> Mozilla Webmaker - Mick's ePub series:
>> Pt 1 - Create epubs from web pages 
>> Pt 2 - Explore and embed a video into an epub
>> Pt 3 - Remix and reuse epubs with online editors
>> Tools
>> Booktype at Sourcefabric
>> Pressbooks 
>> Grab my Books - firefox plugin
>> Calibre- epub editor
>> -- 
>> Mick Chesterman - mick at flossmanuals.net
>> mickfuzz [skype]
>> @mickfuzzz [twitter]
>> http://clearerchannel.org - training and freelance work
>> http://flossmanuals.net - Free Manuals for Free Software
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> Marieke Guy
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-- Lorna M Campbell --
Assistant Director, Cetis
Web: www.cetis.ac.uk
Blog: lornamcampbell.wordpress.com
Mail: lorna.m.campbell at icloud.com
Twitter: LornaMCampbell
Skype: lorna120768

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