[Open-education] Community survey on OER for teacher education

Bjoern Hassler bjohas+oercommunity at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 21:00:29 UTC 2014

Dear all,

First post to the list - hello everybody.

I've had various conversations recently regarding OER for schools,
particularly OER for teacher education (and head teacher education). Some
of this was in an African context, some of this UK focussed. What strikes
us is that doesn't seem to be a good overview of OER for teacher education,
available, so we thought we'd run a quick survey:

The survey is here:

As I mentioned, we're specifically looking for OER for teacher education,
but if you are aware of specific OER for classroom use, then feel free to
enter this also!

If you just want to enter a few web addresses - that's fine! There are also
other fields there, if you want to provide more information. You will also
be able to view other people's responses (as a downloadable spreadsheet).
There's a few responses there already, so do add your own!

If the survey is not convenient for you, feel free to email me your links
to OER for teacher education!

Many thanks!

Dr Bjoern Hassler
Centre for Commonwealth Education (Faculty of Education)
& Digital Services (CARET, University Library)
University of Cambridge

Open Educational Resources for Teacher Education

OER for School-based teacher professional learning in sub-Saharan Africa
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