[Open-education] OKFestival Programme updates

Marieke Guy marieke.guy at okfn.org
Tue Jun 10 09:04:59 UTC 2014

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to share a few OKFestival programme 
(*http://2014.okfestival.org/festival-programme/) *updates. For those 
who aren't familiar with the Open Knowledge Festival - OKFestival 2014 - 
15-17 July in Berlin - will be the biggest open data and open knowledge 
event to date. It will be global, inclusive and participatory. Organised 
by the Open Knowledge Foundation and owned, in the broadest sense, by 
the open community, the Festival will bring together over 1,000 people 
from more than 60 countries to share their skills and experiences; 
encouraging them to work together to build the very tools and 
partnerships that will further the power of openness as a positive force 
for change.

*Tuesday, July 15 -- The Open Knowledge Fair
from 18:00 - 20:30**

An opening extravaganza to set the scene for the following two days. 
This dynamic start to the festival will be comprised of demo stands, 
performances, interactive hands-on things to do and make, and the 
opportunity to enjoy music and drinks. There will be short welcoming 
speeches followed by the opportunity for attendees to wander and mingle.

**July 16 and 17 -- The Core Festival Days
 From 10:00 to 18:30**

Each day will kick off with two inspiring, engaging plenary sessions 
(ca. 10:00-11:00) to fuel the activities for the day ahead. Details 
about keynote speakers will be released soon.

After the plenaries, there will be community-led sessions from 11:00 to 
18:30 each day. There will also be breakout spaces available throughout 
the entire festival and another space where you'll be able to pitch and 
run emerging sessions on the fly.


Don't forget that we have our Open Education Smörgåsbord workshop 
<http://education.okfn.org/okfestival-open-education-smorgasbord/> on 
Wednesday, July 16 from 14:00 -- 16:00.

The OKFestival programme 
<http://2014.okfestival.org/festival-programme/> is being hosted in a 
really cool tool called Sched that lets viewers create their own 
personalised programme by selecting the sessions they're interested in 
attending. Take a look!

You'd be crazy to miss it ;-)



Marieke Guy
LinkedUp <http://linkedup-project.eu/> Project Community Coordinator | 
skype: mariekeguy | tel: 44 (0) 1285 885681 | @mariekeguy 
Open Knowledge <http://okfn.org/>
/Empowering through Open Knowledge/
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Have you bought your tickets <http://2014.okfestival.org/tickets/> to 
OKFestival yet? Join us in Berlin!

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