[Open-education] Friday chat: Do open educational resources have to be available online?

Marieke Guy marieke.guy at okfn.org
Fri Jun 27 13:59:30 UTC 2014

The ALT MOOC SIG conference has been taking place today and I noticed 
the following tweet from Pat Lockley (not his words).

/"Taking a MOOC to a developing country is the modern 'coals to 

The tweet refers to the waste of time involved in taking an online 
course to where there aren't computers or broadband. This obvious issue 
also came up at the recent Making it Matter workshop 

/"Poor infrastructure (energy, ICT, etc.) means that education can 
rarely be carried out solely online. We need to stop making technology 
and device assumptions and ensure adaptability of resources and data."/

So do open educational resources have to be available online? CC give 
details on how to apply licenses offline 
- but what are the implications of having open resources that are solely 
offline? Are there initiatives working in this area?

Any thoughts?!


Marieke Guy
LinkedUp <http://linkedup-project.eu/> Project Community Coordinator | 
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