[Open-education] Webmaker Training feedback

Laura Hilliger laura at mozillafoundation.org
Fri May 23 10:04:25 UTC 2014

Hi everyone!

P2PU and Mozilla have been working together to develop Webmaker Training: #TeachTheWeb, and Marieke suggested that I send it around here. We launched the first module on May 12 (sorry, I didn’t know this list existed until today!). 

I pointed the School of Open group to the Exploring module and the Building module specifically because they pull in open licensing and creating open educational resources, and I’m guessing some of you may be interested in those topics as well.


Over at Webmaker Training, we’re trying to help people become more web literate and make things for and with the Web using open practices and ethos. I invite you to get involved and teach/learn to/from each other and the people who are working in this community.

The School of Open has been a huge source of inspiration for me, and I'm looking for ways to create better pathways from Webmaker Training to and from other open education initiatives. I think that we in open education have loads of crossover, and I am continually working to create stronger bridges for our communities. 

I would love any feedback you have, and appreciate any advice you might give. I work open, and iteratively, so don’t be shy in saying something needs afixin! 

Looking forward to learning about the folks on this list* and strengthening our various open learning communities through more more more collaboration!


*I see familiar names and wave hello to the few of you I've known for YEARS ;)

	Laura Hilliger
Training & Curriculum Lead
Mozilla Foundation

Email: laura at mozillafoundation.org
Twitter: @epilepticrabbit

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