[Open-education] Webinar with panOpen's CEO: May 22: Noon (pacific) / 3:00pm (eastern) / 7:00pm (UTC)
Cable Green
cable at creativecommons.org
Thu May 22 19:08:47 UTC 2014
For all of you in the panopen webinar.
Here is the open google doc / chat / Q&A:
On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Cable Green <cable at creativecommons.org>wrote:
> Greetings Open Friends:
> A reminder...
>>> As open education continues to move mainstream we're seeing new business
>>> models emerge around "open."
>>> One of these new businesses is panOpen: https://www.panopen.com
>>> Good news - we have an opportunity to learn about panOpen and have a
>>> discussion their CEO, Brian Jacobs, on May 22.
>>> - Title: A sustainable model for OER
>>> - Date: 22 May
>>> - Time: Noon (pacific) / 3:00pm (eastern) / 7:00pm (UTC)
>>> - Register:
>>> https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/914567533121475074
>>> Abstract: Dr. Brian Jacobs, Founder and CEO of panOpen, will lead a
>>> discussion on panOpen's recently released OER platform. Topics to be
>>> discussed include:
>>> - addressing the main challenges the OER movement faces today
>>> - introducing a sustainable model to tackle these challenges
>>> - ideas on how to get involved with panOpen's OER initiatives
>>> Half of the time will be a presentation by Brian. Half of the time will
>>> be reserved for Q&A.
>>> Please join us for this webinar on May 22nd!
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Cable
> Cable Green, PhD
> Director of Global Learning
> Creative Commons
> @cgreen <http://twitter.com/cgreen>
> http://creativecommons.org/education
> *reuse, revise, remix, redistribute** & retain*
Cable Green, PhD
Director of Global Learning
Creative Commons
@cgreen <http://twitter.com/cgreen>
*reuse, revise, remix, redistribute** & retain*
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